Sunday, July 11, 2010

This week's lesson: governments are the same all over the earth

Apparently, the Ethiopian courts take about 6 weeks off every year.  And apparently, it's like a surprise vacation each year since no one knows exactly when they'll leave, or for exactly how long....ever. And we found this out from reading the adoption blogs and forums, since a whole pile of people who were leaving for Ethiopia Thursday had their court dates canceled on Wednesday.  Ooooh!

Now, I know every country has its peculiar customs.  And I'm sure from the outside looking in, we do some odd things in America (like bungee jumping or bull riding).  But, come on folks; one day's notice to postpone a critical trip like this one?  I'm super flexible, and even I think that's obnoxious.

So, we're trying to figure out just how this delay is going to affect us.  We are trying so hard to bring Tommy home before Christmas.  Everyone says it's a real long shot, but we're convinced he needs to be here as soon as humanly possible.  Every additional day he's in ET is one more day he's without a real diagnosis and the serious kind of physical and occupational therapies he needs.  We're hopeful once the vacation season is over in Ethiopia, the US and ET officials will work extra hard to eliminate any backlog in an effort to help us expedite Tommy's package.

OK, I know, the word expedite probably doesn't even translate into government-ese, in English or Amharic.

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