Monday, October 18, 2010

How could we not???

Over the weekend, the question was raised, "...but there are plenty of kids who need help in America; why go to Ethiopia?"  Well, here's one reason:

this is poverty in America


THIS is poverty in Ethiopia

and this...
and this 

and this...

and finally, when we learned what happens when
people who can help (like us) don't
"aged out" is the term used to explain what happens if no one adopts a child before they reach 12 or 14 years old; they are turned out of the orphanage
to live (or die) on their own.

So, when people ask why we're adopting from Ethiopia,
I simply share with them what we (and now you) know about
how poverty affects kids in Ethiopia and then ask them...


1 comment:

  1. Very good post. So true!! I feel the exact same way. How could we not?!

    Im enjoying your blog! : )
